My employer has allowed me to work from home one day per week. As part of the agreement I had to take home a VoIP phone that connects me to work. This seemed like a good excuse to setup AltQ on my OBSD box. I read the man page, the FAQ and Jacek Artymiak's book. I built the queues and loaded the new ruleset. However when I run "pfctl -vv -sq" the only queues catching packets are the general queue and my tcp_ack queue, nothing else. Could someone with some AltQ experience take a look at these rules and help me understand what I'm missing?
#pfctl -vv -sq queue voip on fxp0 priority 14 priq( red ) [ pkts: 0 bytes: 0 dropped pkts: 0 bytes: 0 ] [ qlength: 0/ 50 ] [ measured: 0.0 packets/s, 0 b/s ] queue stream on fxp0 priority 12 priq( red ) [ pkts: 0 bytes: 0 dropped pkts: 0 bytes: 0 ] [ qlength: 0/ 50 ] [ measured: 0.0 packets/s, 0 b/s ] queue web on fxp0 priority 10 priq( red ) [ pkts: 0 bytes: 0 dropped pkts: 0 bytes: 0 ] [ qlength: 0/ 50 ] [ measured: 0.0 packets/s, 0 b/s ] queue email on fxp0 priority 8 priq( red ) [ pkts: 0 bytes: 0 dropped pkts: 0 bytes: 0 ] [ qlength: 0/ 50 ] [ measured: 0.0 packets/s, 0 b/s ] queue tcp_ack on fxp0 priority 5 priq( red ) [ pkts: 11657 bytes: 629610 dropped pkts: 0 bytes: 0 ] [ qlength: 0/ 50 ] [ measured: 13.9 packets/s, 6.02Kb/s ] queue general on fxp0 priq( default ) [ pkts: 953 bytes: 403051 dropped pkts: 0 bytes: 0 ] [ qlength: 0/ 50 ] [ measured: 0.3 packets/s, 1.45Kb/s ] #cat /etc/pf.conf ## Macros ## ## Interfaces ## ext_if = "fxp0" wire_if = "fxp1" ## Global Variables ## ext_ip = "x.x.x.x" wire_network = "" wire_gw = "" icmp_types = "echoreq" netbios = "{ epmap, netbios-ns, netbios-dgm, netbios-ssn, microsoft-ds }" ## Tables ## ## SSH Hackers - blocked IPs table <ssh-bruteforce> persist file "/etc/tables/ssh-bruteforce" ## VoIP Servers table <voipservers> const file "/etc/tables/voipservers" ## Options ## set block-policy return set optimization normal set skip on lo0 set skip on enc0 ## Traffic Normalization ## scrub out on $ext_if all random-id scrub in on $ext_if all no-df fragment reassemble ## Queueing ## altq on $ext_if priq bandwidth 768Kb queue { voip, stream, web, email, general, tcp_ack } queue voip priority 14 priq(red) queue stream priority 12 priq(red) queue web priority 10 priq(red) queue email priority 8 priq(red) queue tcp_ack priority 5 priq(red) queue general priority 1 priq(default) ## Translation (NAT/RDR) ## nat on $ext_if inet proto { tcp, udp, icmp } from $wire_if:network to any -> $ext_if ## Packet Filtering ## block drop in quick inet6 all block drop out quick inet6 all block drop in quick on $ext_if from <ssh-bruteforce> block in all ## Block NetBios/Samba ports from external access ## block drop in log quick on $ext_if inet proto { tcp,udp } from any to any port $netbios label "Netbios" block out quick on $ext_if proto { tcp,udp } from any to any port $netbios ## Block OSPF Multicast traffic ## block in log on $ext_if inet proto icmp from any to label "OSPF" ## Pass ICMP traffic ## pass in inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types keep state (if-bound) ## Pass SSH traffic ## pass in quick on $ext_if proto tcp from any to $ext_if port ssh flags S/SA modulate state (max-src-conn-rate 3/30, overload <s sh-bruteforce> flush global) label "SSH" ## Wired LAN rules ## pass in quick on $wire_if from $wire_if:network to any pass out on $wire_if inet proto tcp from any to $wire_if:network ## allow internally generated traffic to pass ## pass out on $ext_if inet proto { tcp udp } from $ext_if to <voipservers> flags S/SA keep state queue voip pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $ext_if to any port { 8001, 8008, 8070, 9991 } keep state queue ( stream, tcp_ack ) pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $ext_if to any port { 80, 443} synproxy state queue ( web, tcp_ack ) pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $ext_if to any port {25, 110 } synproxy state queue ( email, tcp ) pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $ext_if to any flags S/SA keep state queue ( general, tcp_ack ) pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $ext_if flags S/SA keep state pass in on $ext_if inet from $wire_if:network to any pass out on $ext_if inet proto { udp, icmp } all keep state (if-bound) ## Anti-spoofing measures ## antispoof for fxp0 inet antispoof for fxp1 inet