At 07:36 PM 5/6/2008 -0400, you wrote:
On 4/9/08, Theo de Raadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Sale of the items on that page do not fund the project. Sale of those > items does not even cover the cost that Austin and I paid our artist > to draw the pictures for those items. > > Just keep that in mind please. > > From time to time I have toyed with the idea of producing OpenBSD-related swag, and either donating it to the project outright or selling it myself with "donation = revenue - cost". I'd have to use some outside vendor and face the same production costs that Theo and the project do (CafePress, anyone?).
Their products are not something I would consider 'OpenBSD' quality. Great for gag gifts, but not much more.
Products from the OBSD store have always been first-rate. Lee