On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 10:29 PM, Otto Moerbeek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  An FFS can only be as large as 1TB. You cannot change an FFS into an
>  FFS2 fileystem and you cannot use FFS2 for any filesystems used by the
>  installer. Just create the large filesystem after installation. But
>  check the FAQ too, it contains som hints how to handle large
>  filesystems.
>  http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#LargeDrive

the faq continuously repeats "root partition" where (i believe) "root
filesystem" is actually meant. it is confusing, as a partition may
be primary or secondary, then OpenBSD supports only primary
partitions and only one per drive (unless something changed since)
and that's where the disklabel is stored. also it is a root filesystem
that should be within the bounds readable by BIOS (as far as i
remember an OpenBSD partition size does not mean much of
anything, since partition size may be a subject of BIOS restrictions,
and once the kernel is running, the OS does not care about those)

>  Summary: a large filesytem might not be what you want.
>         -Otto

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