He is eluding to things like smart tabs and auto indent. Those are disabled by default on vim and when programming they are both a curse and a gift from the gods. I'll admit to having spend more than a few minutes fine tuning that.
I am an old vi rat that finally caved to vim for several reasons. Let me mention just a few: * ctrl-p (autocomplete of a word) * ctrl-v (visual blocks) * split * spelling check * tab complete commands and filenames in command mode * incremental and highlighted search * tabs * colors, yes I said it! I can work just fine in vi but I gain a lot of productivity when using vim. On Sun, May 04, 2008 at 02:34:27PM +0200, ropers wrote: > 2008/5/4 Nick Holland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > "[vim] alters files in unexpected ways", which I consider a > > major sin. > > I didn't know that, and cursory googling didn't turn up anything > enlightening. Could you elaborate? > > Thanks and regards, > --ropers