At 02:42 PM 4/25/2008 -0500, Mark Rolen wrote:
L. V. Lammert wrote:

PHP is working [cli or web], .. problem is none of the modules are. Both mysql & mcrypt, for example, are enabled in php.ini, but neither shows in phpinfo.

Have you verified that the *.so files php is looking for (,, whetever modules you're loading) are indeed in the directory specified in php.ini on the "extension_dir = " line? It seems like I ran into a problem when I installed several modules with PECL, I had to change extension_dir so php could find my newly installed modlues.

Thanks to all for the suggestions, .. as it turns out, I made a few interesting discoveries about Apache + PHP that might be worth sharing:

1) PHP AND Apache modules are loaded before httpd chroots, so they do not need to be IN the chroot - I moved them to a system locations:


2) PHP.INI is also loaded before the chroot , .. it would be nice of it could also placed in a system location instead of inside the chroot, BUT

3) php5_core is hard-coded with /var/www - it does not obey httpd_flags. An -d should should also be present on packages, .. but I am not sure how that might be implements.

To setup installation correctly, the following files must be changed manually to respect the chroot location:


As all are script files, it's fairly simple, but, again, they should check for -d and -f instead of forcing users to make manual changes. If anyone has suggestions for implementation, I will try to work through some of the issues as time permits.


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