On Thu, May 01, 2008 at 05:27:48AM -0300, Leonardo Rodrigues wrote:
> I've got a couple of questions also. Does the fingerprint reader
> (ugen0 right?) work? Does the accelerometer (aps) work? It seems that
> the latter fails to initialise...

There are no free drivers for the fingerprint reader.

It looks like the accelerometer gives proper values on my machine:

$ sysctl hw.sensors.aps0.raw
hw.sensors.aps0.raw0=508 (X_ACCEL)
hw.sensors.aps0.raw1=510 (Y_ACCEL)
hw.sensors.aps0.raw2=508 (X_VAR)
hw.sensors.aps0.raw3=510 (Y_VAR)

The values are changing nicely when I turn my Thinkpad R60. But is
there any bsd-software around wich can use these values to make a
'active protection system'?

Pieter Verberne

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