Nico Meijer wrote:
Hi Michael,

Boot into UKC with 'boot -c' and disable acpi. Check the FAQ for more

FWIW- FreeBSD 7.0 won't even install on this laptop.

I have 7.0-RELEASE running on this laptop right now, just for kicks.
Works for me, in a sense. ;-)

HTH... Nico

Guess my earlier response didn't get through (I was trying to configure sendmail).
I was helped with that, and yes, disabling acpi is/was the answer.
Thank-you for the help, and sorry my previous post didn't get out.
I can't be on the laptop now, but it sure is working nice with 4.3 :)
I have 7.0-RELEASE on two computers, but when trying to install it on the laptop, after the hd was formatted, all of a sudden the cd's were read as audio cd's, with a big warning screen saying to change cd's! Maybe disabling acpi for that install would have helped too, but that's not for this list, and FreeBSD is not on the laptop now anyway.

Again, thanks.

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