Yes, it is *totally* obvious if you actually know what you're doing.
Well, I didn't say I know exactly what I'm doing. If everybody always
knew exactly what they're doing, this ML would be obsolete, wouldn't it?
Thanks a lot for your explanations (no irony! I've learned from it!)!!!
That helps me asking less stupid questions in the future.
You don't have to know about it, but if you start deleting
Well I didn't tell yet, the idea is the other way round. I build up this
embedded system from scratch by putting the files that I need together,
not by deleting files from a full install. So I didn't delete anything,
I just didn't copy enough files together. That's not stupid at all, it's
a design-question. The design is as minimalistic as can be, it says that
the resulting system should not have _any_ obsolete files at all. So
that's why I set it up this way. I know it's not common and I know it's
not pure OpenBSD anymore, but there's nothing non-OpenBSD in it. And
yes: It's my lack of knowledge and I didn't mean to hide that at any time.
If you don't know what you're doing, don't do it.
The world would be better if everybody would admit to this. But wouldn't
this be boring? ;-)
cron also relies on the dynamic linker and its related files. You
didn't delete those, did you ?
No, when I first tried to use a program that missed a lib, it told me so
and I could go and copy that file to my target system. It's easy when a
program tells you why it is in trouble.
What should we do with the next guy that deletes this stuff thinking
he doesn't need it and neglects to tell us when he comes here asking
for help ?
Try to help him. What else? Why would you read this ML if not to help
others that don't get along with whatever they do with OpenBSD? You guys
helped me, too: Stuards hint indirectly pointed me to login.conf. If you
don't want to help, then just don't do it. So I don't see any problem here.
You didn't know the importance of login.conf and you burn your fingers
deleting it. Don't blame others for it,
I didn't intend to blame anybody. I'm pretty aware that what I do is not
"the usual way". But I still think it's a valid way to do things.
and don't play the "hey, I got mistreated"-card either.
Nah, come on, how could I react to "don't waste my time!" if not by a
little irony? ;-) I'd be a lamer if I took everything too seriously!
It just makes you look lame.
I'm sorry that's what you think about me. Anyway, in my age, it's not so
important anymore if a few people think you're lame. Maybe I am. Who cares?
But let's no abuse this ML for personal discussions. I think I got you
and I'm willing to do my best to provide the correct complete
information that are in relation to my problem, next time I bother you
here on this ML. OK?