Landry Breuil a icrit :
> On Sat, Apr 19, 2008 at 01:19:50PM +0200, Nicolas Letellier wrote:
>> Hello ports@
>> I upgraded to 4.3-current (from 4.3-stable) and I installed
audio/beep-media-player and I see it requires esound be launched. Why?
>> So, I must launch esd before (and esd play a sound at the
beginning). I don't remember I had to do this before...
Beep-media-player worked perfectly without I had to launch esound.
> 4.3-stable doesn't really exist at the moment.. and audio/bmp hasn't
> changed since months, so i suppose it's a local problem.
Yes, 4.3-stable does not really exists... I use a system built from
OPENBSD_4_3 if you prefer...
I saw that audio/bmp has not changed, but audio/esound yes. But I don't
think it is the problem... I don't understand why now I must launch esd.
>> Is there a possibility to launch esound automatically (with Xfce for
> Settings -> autostarted applications
Ok, I will try.
I would like to know if users who use bmp have to launch esd to play music?
- Nicolas.