Dear List, I have two firewalls with ngnix serving a few apache servers. I have to use CARP on the LAN side so i don't have to change the default gateway on the web servers when one of the firewalls goes down. My problem is, that in the apache logs i see the firewalls physical IP address not the CARP address. Lets say CARP is, firewall1 is and firewall2 is If a connection is through firewall1, then in the apache logs i see This is normal, but is there a way to make the outgoing package to have the internal CARP device's address as source IP? I've read through the ngnix docs but found nothing helpful. I think the key is in PF. Thank You for your help and advice!
-- Gabri Mate [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel: 20/589-5456 [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had a name of signature.asc ]