
I love using OpenBSD in the networks I administer.
It does what I need simply, elegantly and with great power (not to mention for free)

When I tell others about OpenBSD I can easily tell them what I like, but I was also curious what sort of ("verifiable") factoids folks here highlight when advocating for OpenBSD.

Some of the ones I've jotted down are:


" Only two remote holes in the default install, in more than 10 years!" - from the project site, obviously

" An OS that has some of the cleanest code around" - paraphrased from an interview with Theo by a local news channel

"Amount of attacks on a webserver can go down by 40% just because the bad guys see it is running OpenBSD" - would love to know where that originally comes from!!

"Made by the same people that make OpenSSH, which just about everybody uses for secure remote access"

"The OpenBSD project currently maintains ports for 17 different hardware platforms" - from Wikipedia, possibly dated.

"The project is also noted for the exceptional documentation and a community that expects its users to have read the documentation before asking any technical questions" -

I'd love to hear more one-liners like this.  :-)



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