I would like to thank all those who replied to my enquiry. The openbsd mailing list is an excellent mailing list, and its members are a great help to all those searching for answers to their questions about openbsd. I want to add want I can, so I am writing the answer to my question in order to share this knowledge with others who might have the same question in the future. I borrow liberally from the email that helped me solve this problem. I received permission from Owain Ainsworth to reprint our correspondence. Owain so kindly gave me the answer to adding tcl and tk man pages to openbsd.
-bash-3.2$ cat /etc/man.conf # $OpenBSD: man.conf,v 1.13 2007/05/20 12:54:00 jmc Exp $ # Sheer, raging paranoia... _version BSD.2 # The whatis/apropos database. _whatdb /usr/share/man/whatis.db _whatdb /usr/local/man/whatis.db _whatdb /usr/X11R6/man/whatis.db _whatdb /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4/man/whatis.db _ added tcl to the whatis database _whatdb /usr/local/lib/tk8.4/man/whatis.db _ added tk to the whatis database # Subdirectories for paths ending in '/', IN SEARCH ORDER. _subdir cat1 man1 cat8 man8 cat6 man6 cat2 man2 cat3 man3 cat5 man5 cat7 man7 cat4 man4 cat9 man9 cat3p man3p cat3f man3f mann _ mann was appended to _subdir # Files typed by suffix and their commands. # Note the order: .Z must come after .[1-9n].Z, or it will match first. _suffix .0 #_suffix .n _build .0.Z /usr/bin/zcat %s _build .0.gz /usr/bin/gzcat %s _build .[1-9n] /usr/bin/nroff -man %s _build .[1-9n].Z /usr/bin/zcat %s | /usr/bin/nroff -man _build .[1-9n].gz /usr/bin/gzcat %s | /usr/bin/nroff -man _build .[1-9][a-z] /usr/bin/nroff -man %s _build .[1-9][a-z].Z /usr/bin/zcat %s | /usr/bin/nroff -man _build .[1-9][a-z].gz /usr/bin/gzcat %s | /usr/bin/nroff -man _build .tbl /usr/bin/tbl %s | /usr/bin/nroff -man _build .tbl.Z /usr/bin/zcat %s | /usr/bin/tbl | /usr/bin/nroff -man _build .tbl.gz /usr/bin/gzcat %s | /usr/bin/tbl | /usr/bin/nroff -man _build .me /usr/bin/nroff -me %s 2>/dev/null | cat -s _build .ms /usr/bin/nroff -ms %s 2>/dev/null | cat -s #_build .n /usr/bin/nroff -man # Sections and their directories. # All paths ending in '/' are the equivalent of entries specifying that # directory with all of the subdirectories listed for the keyword _subdir. # default _default /usr/{share,X11R6,local{,/lib/{tcl,tk}8.4}}/man/ _ /lib/{tcl,tk}8.4} added to _default #_default /usr/{share,X11R6,local}/man/ #_default /usr/{share,X11R6,local}/man/ /usr/local/lib/{tcl8.4,tk8.4}/man #_default /usr/local/lib/{tcl8.4,tk8.4}/man/ # Other sections that represent complete man subdirectories. X11 /usr/X11R6/man/ X11R6 /usr/X11R6/man/ local /usr/local/man/ tcl /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4/man/ _ added tcl to man subdirectories tk /usr/local/lib/tk8.4/man/ _ added tk to man subdirectories #lib /usr/local/lib/ #tcltk /usr/local/lib/{tcl8.4,tk8.4}/man/ #tcl-8.4 /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4/man #tk-8.4 /usr/local/lib/tk8.4/man # Specific section/directory combinations. 1 /usr/{share,X11R6,local{,/lib/{tcl,tk}8.4}}/man/{cat,man}1 _ added /lib/{tcl,tk}8.4} to man 1 2 /usr/{share,X11R6,local}/man/{cat,man}2 3 /usr/{share,X11R6,local{,/lib/{tcl,tk}8.4}}/man/{cat,man}3 _ added /lib/{tcl,tk}8.4} to man 3 3F /usr/local/man/{cat,man}3f 3f /usr/local/man/{cat,man}3f 3P /usr/{share,local}/man/{cat,man}3p 3p /usr/{share,local}/man/{cat,man}3p 4 /usr/{share,X11R6,local}/man/{cat,man}4 5 /usr/{share,X11R6,local}/man/{cat,man}5 6 /usr/{share,X11R6,local}/man/{cat,man}6 7 /usr/{share,X11R6,local}/man/{cat,man}7 8 /usr/{share,X11R6,local}/man/{cat,man}8 9 /usr/share/man/{cat,man}9 n /usr/local/lib/{tcl8.4,tk8.4}/man/mann _ added for tcl and tk new man pages n #n /usr/{tcltk}/man/{mann}n # tcltk manpages #_whatdb /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4/man/whatis.db #_whatdb /usr/local/lib/tk8.4/man/whatis.db #_subdir {cat,man}{1,3} #_build .n /usr/bin/nroff -man %s #_default /usr/local/lib/{tcl8.4,tk8.4}/man/ #tcltk /usr/local/lib/{tcl8.4,tk8.4}/man/ #1 /usr/local/lib/{tcl8.4,tk8.4}/man1 #3 /usr/local/lib/{tcl8.4,tk8.4}/man3 #n /usr/local/lib/{tcl8.4,tk8.4}/mann ________________________________ Zlfar M. E. Johnson Sk}rr [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 569 5100 http://www.skyrr.is <http://www.skyrr.is> http://www.skyrr.is/legal/disclaimer.txt <http://www.skyrr.is/legal/disclaimer.txt>