On 9 Apr 2008, at 15:07, Floor Terra wrote:

On Wed, 9 Apr 2008, Khalid Schofield wrote:

messing around with an iTunes server under openbsd. I've had a look at
a number of web pages on setting on up using bsd. But not sure about


I've installed mt-daapd from the ports tree but can't seem to find
mDNSResponder. It's not in the bsd packages either. Also had a look at
this tutorial


but this port seems to have died too /usr/ports/net/p5-Net-Rendezvous

Has anyone looked at this before and can anyone give me advice? At
first I thought all I need is daapd then I saw I require the mDNS
stuff and ground to a halt there.


I tried this a while ago too and didn't succeed.
The package you are looking for containing mDNSResponder and friends is
called "howl".

Fantastic! I was begging for this information :) You've made my day!

I did not spend a lot of time trying to make this work
and I think I had problems with howl using broadcasts.

Argh broadcast. Makes my guts ache thinking of netBIOS...... Is that what the apple bonjour technology is? Just loads of broadcast?

If you do succeed after installing howl, let me know.


www: http://brobding.mine.nu/

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