First, I would like to congratulate the developers of relayd. They have
made a great daemon which is fast and very flexible.

I was able to get relayd to replace all of the functions of a Pound reverse
proxy except URL and request method filtering. As far as I can tell relayd
does not have these abilities. 

Is there a site, mailing list or person I could contact to suggest
additions to relayd?

Does anyone else use relayd and find these suggestions useful?

It has been two weeks since my original post (below) and I just wanted to
follow up. All of my configs can be found here:

  Relayd proxy "how to" (relayd.conf)

  Calomel @
  Open Source Research and Reference

On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 05:07:53PM -0400, Calomel wrote:
>We are looking to do some URL path and request method filtering with relayd
>if possible. Many of the other layer 7 filters like "User-Agent" and
>"Referer" work without issue. 
>The box is built using relayd from -current cvs downloaded on Mar 18, 2008.
>Relayd is setup to be a reverse HTTP proxy with layer 7 filtering as a
>relay to a test webserver.
>Similar to a firewall mindset, we are looking to block everything other
>than what we specifically list out.
>As a test, the URL or path filtering can allow "/", "*.html" and "*.jpg".
>We are unable to figure out how to get relayd to allow only these types of
>files, and deny any other access. The following is from our test
>relayd.conf file, but these rules block all access.  Is there a way to list
>out each file type, one per line?  Can we instead use something similar to
>a regular expression like, request path expect "(^\/|\.html|\.jpg)$"
>## ## URL filtering (NOT working yet)
>     label "BAD path request"
>     request path expect "/"
>     request path expect "/*.html"
>     request path expect "/*.jpg"
>The second question is how to only accept the "GET" and "HEAD" request
>methods and deny any others. For example we do not want the webserver to
>ever see POST or TRACE methods. As GET and HEAD are not headers, we are
>unsure as what rules to use.
>## ## Block bad request method (NOT working yet)
>     label "BAD request method"
>     request header expect "GET"
>     request header expect "HEAD"
>Since it is a work in progress, our full relayd.conf file can be found
>here for reference:
>  Relayd proxy "how to" (relayd.conf)
> Calomel @
> Open Source Research and Reference

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