I all,

I'm using symon to monitor my PF-based FW (bridge). It's a very and I can see all the generated graphs with the exception of PF... the most important for me.

After reading man pages, I don't understand why, so:

        * the pf 'mux' is available in conf files.

        * the pf rrd files is normally created among the others rrd files

        * I've the correct permissions in /dev/pf
        $ ls -l /dev/pf
        crw-------  1 root  wheel   73,   0 Feb 14 17:33 /dev/pf

        * I set up the loginterface in pf.conf file as:
        set loginterface em0

        * symux/symod using -d flag doesn't show any error

        * $ tcpdump -i pflog0
          tcpdump: listening on pflog0, link-type PFLOG
        means that /dev/pf existes and is available...
?Any clue?

Jordi Espasa Clofent

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