On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 10:56 PM, Janne Johansson
>  On Wed, 2008-04-02 at 22:33 +1000, N J wrote:
>  > Basically my question is how do I get the port to install without
>  > having to remove then old package and dependencies first?
>  > I'm trying to build pidgin out of the ports tree.
>  >
>  > Tried: set env FORCE_PKG_REGISTER
>  > Tried: make install FORCE_PKG_REGISTER
>  The question you should be asking yourself is:
>  Why do I try freebsd solutions to openbsd problems?
>  If you start your quest at www.openbsd.org -> and from there read up on
>  the FAQ and/or the manual pages (which do not contain
>  FORCE_PKG_REGISTER) then you get an openbsd solution to what I hope is
>  an openbsd problem.
>  There is a whole chapter in the FAQ on ports/packages. Perhaps it
>  contains your solution?
Because I was at my wits end and this was one of the only things I was
finding :(

On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 10:54 PM, Josh Grosse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Apr 2008 22:33:00 +1000, N J wrote
> > Basically my question is how do I get the port to install without
>  > having to remove then old package and dependencies first?
>  > I'm trying to build pidgin out of the ports tree.
>  >
>  > Tried: set env FORCE_PKG_REGISTER
>  > Tried: make install FORCE_PKG_REGISTER
>  Inventing random environment variables is not the way to accomplish your
>  mission. :)
>  > Sorry for my newbie question and thanks in advance
>  Looking at your console log, it is clear you are trying to use a -current
>  ports tree with a 4.2 OS.  This is unsupported, per FAQs 15.4.1 and 5.1.
>  Please review both FAQs.
>  I know this is the case because cairo-1.4.10 is the port for 4.2-release or
>  4.2-stable.  You will be able to use cairo-1.4.14 only if you are running
>  -current, or, if you install or upgrade to 4.3 on or after May 1.

I've been doing:
        # cd /usr/ports
        # cvs -q up -Pd

Should have I been doing:
        # cd /usr/ports
        # cvs -q up -rOPENBSD_4_2 -Pd

If so will it work ok if just run it now or will it have issues?

Also if I remember properly I tried this before I did a ports upgrade
and it got stuck basically at the same place except the minor version
was 1.4.12 instead of .14. If I do manage to revert the ports tree (if
that will work ok)... whats the solution to the initial problem?

Guys thanks in advance :)

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