On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 09:00:41AM -0700, Ed Flecko wrote: > Hi folks, > [shared] > comment = Shared directory on the proxy server > path = /var/squid/logs/squid_logs > read only = no > browseable = yes > guest ok = yes > public = yes
Try something along these lines: [common] comment = Public Drive writable = yes locking = yes path = /home/shares/common public = yes create mode = 666 directory mode = 777 > For testing purposes, I've set the permissions on the squid_logs > directory to: 777 > > I can map the drive from a Windows box and even create > files/folders...but I can copy files from it to the Windows box or > read files. O.K., I'm stumped; what am I overlooking??? > > Also, once you've made changes to your smb.conf file, how do you > stop/restart Samba??? You don't need to. It re-reads it when there are changes. But should you need to stop and start it, just kill off the [sn]mbd processes and fire them off manually. -- "Burnished gallows set with red Caress the fevered, empty mind Of man who hangs bloodied and blind To reach for wisdom, not for bread." -- Deoridhe Grimsdaughter