Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> So perhaps to add to this entry for the FAQ, something that address this
> desire to shrink the kernel to save memory:
>       "... For standard i386 old computers with little ram,
>       recompiling the kernel does not provide enough free memory to
>       affect what you can then do with that old computer.  You are far
>       better to just add a bit more ram."
much closer to something I'd consider adding. :)

> I know that other distros have dropped actual 386 CPUs from their
> supported list so that i386 actually needs minimum 486.  The reasoning
> I've heard is that the amount of memory required is too much for any
> remaining actual 386 boxes to actually have.

Same thing was done recently with OpenBSD, actually.  There are better
reasons, however... The big one was the 80386 was a "first generation"
32 bit processor for Intel, and there were a lot of ugly work-arounds
in the OpenBSD kernel for 80386 systems that didn't need to be there
for 80486 and later systems. Dropping support for the 80386 simplified
the kernel code, and as we know, that's a very good thing.

There were some practical reasons why you don't want to use OpenBSD on
an 80386 system:

1) OpenBSD /requires/ a hardware FPU.  The 80386 chip did not have it,
you needed to add-on an 80387 Math coprocessor, and a relatively small
number of 80386 machines had this.

2) There are things we "just do" today that were big deals back in the
80386 and before days, simple little things like compressing a file.
Simply loading an 80386 system with OpenBSD was an all-day affair, due
mostly to the time required to uncompress the *.tgz files!

3) IDE disks were not common on 80386 systems.  You don't want to try
to install OpenBSD on an MFM or ESDI drive.  Even what should have
been an easy retrofit was complicated by inflexible BIOSs.

4) 16M RAM was almost unheard of back then...and many of the 80386
systems of the day were using different RAM than more modern systems
do, so the likelihood that you had an OpenBSD-capable 80386 was
very low, and upgrading it to being OpenBSD-capable was cost-prohibitive.

When this was done, no one had been sending in 80386 dmesg's for a long
time.  Even before then...the 80386 code spent some time broken around
the 3.3 days..and only a couple people had even noticed (we didn't even
realize it wasn't broke machines until we realized that several people
were seeing the exact same problem!).

> I know that my old PS/2 Model 70-A21 was a 386 with 4 MB Ram (at $1K per
> MB) and I think it could take a maximum 16 MB (but my memory from 1988
> is very fuzzy).  Where there any 386 boxes that could take 32MB ram, and
> do any still exist?

oh, most certainly.
The VERY FIRST generation of non-IBM-brand 80386 (i.e., Zenith, Compaq,
AST, etc.) systems were basically 80286 systems with a faster processor
and almost everything else carried over from the 80286 siblings.
However, by the time the second generation rolled around, the systems
were starting to make use of the 80386 potential (though the OS and apps
were still treating the 80386 as a really, really fast 8088, for the
most part.  I'm most familiar with the Zenith systems, as that's where
I was at the time, but the second generation Zenith 80386 systems were
capable of 20M on board (supposed to be 32M, but a bug was found with
support for actual production 4M 72 pin SIMMs (which didn't even exist
when the machine was first shipped!) that limited their use to only the
lower four slots, so limit was 20M, though later boards fixed that and
were able to use all 32M.  I recall no customers complaining about this
bug. :)

I've got several of these second generation Zenith machines still, one
of which was, according to the dmesg log, the last systems to run
OpenBSD on an 80386.  I also have a no-name clone board which I'd put
8x4M 30 pin SIMMs in for 32M, as well.

By the time I had the resources to do this, I'd long got and retired
much better machines that were capable of running OpenBSD.

I'd actually be surprised if the IBM Model 70 was design limited to
16M, though it is likely there was just no physical way to put more
than that in.  The PS/2 MCA machines were much more advanced than the
ISA-standard machines of the day, though a pain in the butt to work
with and incompatable, but I'm pretty sure all 32 bits of address
lines made it out to the bus.

HOWEVER, the 80386sx was a non-starter for a long time: these machines
only had 24 bit address buses, so it had a max of 16M, and being they
were "cheap" machines, the actual potential of most of the hardware
they were used in was 12M, 8M, or way, way less.  I don't know that
I have ever seen an 80387SX chip -- kinda bizarre thing, an expensive
accelerator for a machine you bought because you didn't need much


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