Sean Kennedy wrote:

> For what it's worth, I'm interested too in a tech@ tutorial on (How to add

> Unknown, or Semi-Known USB) devices.


> I have had success with adding commonly defined things (Keyboards Mice, and

> the occasional USB wireless/wired Network adapter)


> But for something that has little or no description, (and no blobs) and

> FreeBSD or NetBSD support (L*nux documentation too, but avoiding GPL)

> It would be nice to see if I could add in USB support.


> There really is no RT*M reference I could find at the best of times, to direct

> where to begin.


> -sean

Dmitri Alenitchev wrote a few articles once upon a time, I keep them 
bookmarked.. not sure where he's at these days though. ;)

-Nix Fan.

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