On Sat, Mar 08, 2008 at 09:15:39AM -0500, Jose Fragoso wrote:
> Hi,
> The output of pfctl -t ... -T show goes to stdout by default.
> But the output of pfctl -t ... -T test goes to stderr. Is there
> a particular reason for this?
> I am trying to write a perl script that in some moment tests
> if an IP address is already whitelisted and I have not many
> skills for doing this kind of redirection.
> If anyone can help, I will be thankful.

Perhaps an easier way is to use the exit status of pfctl, which will be
0 on match, 2 if no match:

# pfctl -t foo -Tadd
1 table created.
1/1 addresses added.
# pfctl -t foo -Ttest; echo status $?
1/1 addresses match.
status 0
# pfctl -t foo -Ttest; echo status $? 
0/1 addresses match.
status 2

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD User Group  |  MetaBUG
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