Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
On Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 11:22:11PM -0700, Paul Greidanus wrote:
I'm just wondering how many people out there are using the floppy.fs
installer still? I'm wondering if it would be a worthwhile thought to
expand past the 1.44Mb limit for the CD and .rd install options if there
are features that can be added to the installer. No, I'm not thinking a
gui/menu based installer as the main reason, but there might be benefits
to something like that.
If the ability to boot floppy was removed, it would be a show stopper
for me and I guess I'd have to switch to NetBSD (assuming that they sill
do floppy initial boot). My old boxes have CDs but they can only boot
from floppy or hard disk.
I wouldn't see a problem if you want to allow an initial boot from
floppy then run an enhanced installer from CD or some other source as an
option. Just please don't get rid of floppy boot or increase the
minimum memory requirements.
Not that I have any say, but you asked.
It sounds like there's a huge amount of the community still using
floppies on a near daily basis.. way more then I'd have thought.
Of course, the only place I can remove the floppy images is from a
personal mirror, so there's no risk. And even if I could, with the
response I got, there's no way that I'd even want to get rid of them.
Thanks everyone for the feedback!