> I need to setup a bridge to run spamd in greylisting mode.
> Since there have been some changes in spamd recently and
> the ruleset that appeared in the article in the OpenBSD
> Journal in the past
> (http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20061108134508)
> is more appropriate for blacklist mode, I wonder if anyone
> could point to a ruleset that considers recent updates in
> spamd and greylisting mode.

Yes, things changed.  Check the manual pages.  They are

> Also, since this bridge is going to have to handle a lot
> of messages (some 50K legitimate and possibly some 450k
> spams) daily, what kind of tunning should be considered
> under these circunstances?

Probably none.  On some machines you may want to slow the clock down
if you can, to save power..

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