Aaron Martinez wrote:
Does anyone have any thoughts on white listing freemail hosts like
hotmail and yahoo? I know that people do spam somewhat from these
places, but I thought it was mainly from people forging the domains
and I do get a lot of valid email that is not getting though. I also
host a couple domains and want to be prepared if people start
complaining that they aren't getting mail.
Is there a way to whitelist domains on a per-recipient domain basis?
Thanks in advance.
Aaron Martinez
Freemail hosts like yahoo, hotmail and google have a huge number of
servers which are used to send the email coming from this domains.
The problem I found some time ago, was that the retries didn't come
always from the same server. This simply blows up the greylist principle.
For some of this domains I use the SPF information to whitelist them.
Unfortunately this is not the solution for yahoo because they don't seem to
have any SPF record on their dns...
Pedro Almeida