On 2008/02/19 07:46, Jon wrote:
> Here at work we're using an old version of Gordano Messaging Suite which 
> only supports POP3, running on Redhat. The only way to get POP3s (if we 
> can) is to upgrade to a newer version but we want to migrate to OpenBSD 
> eventually. What tool(s) (that will work best with OpenBSD when we move 
> over) would be ideal to run on the same machine to translate pop3 and 
> pop3s or fetch the mail from Gordano then offer it via pop3s?

Dovecot can do this, it's an imap/pop3 server with a built-in proxy
(whether a mailbox is proxied or handled directly is controlled by
fields in the user database); this also gives a nice path where you
can migrate to another email system user-by-user.

You can also do a simple SSL offload with hoststated (now renamed
relayd) or stunnel, haven't tried those with POP3 but I don't see why
they wouldn't work.

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