Zbigniew Baniewski wrote: > > On Tue, Feb 19, 2008 at 12:52:35AM -0600, Tony Abernethy wrote: > > > I may be an oaf, but it is with FULL REALIZATION THAT I AM > SENDING THIS TO > > THE LIST > > > > MY PURPOSE IN DOING SO IS TO PAINT YOU WITH SOMEHTING > RESEMBLING YOUR TRUE > > COLORS. > > Is it fair? Some day, someone other will forward _your_ private > correspondence to the public. > > If you don't like your opponents attitude - just stop talking > to him, and > it's enough.
>From that should I deduce that you LIKE my attitude? Otherwise, seems you are incapable of taking your own advice. Proponents of something who cannot stand their own advice --- dubious at best. What's the term? locally self-contradictory? Imagine the errors when things are not so tightly connected.