On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 11:41:16AM +0100, Maximilian-Clemens Anderer wrote: > I want to install OpenBSD on my MacBook Pro. I used this guide to > create a bootable CD: > http://www.sacrideo.us/Sacrificum_Deo/Stuff_files/openbsd_macbook.txt. > According to the document -current is required in order to get > wireless which is my only option to connect to the internet. I did > everything exactly as described in the guide, but substituted 'bsd.rd' > with 'bsd.mp'. The snapshot I used for 'cdboot', 'cdbr' and 'bsd.mp' > is from 12.02.2008.
Don't do that. Why on earth do you think bsd.mp is suitable for installing? > > The CD boots fine and I am able to type at the boot> promt without the > need of an external keyboard. The boot process then stops at the > following dmesg line: > . > . > 'root device: _' > I'm not surprised.