On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:

> If the drives and carriers are inseperable, then when HP decides to stop
> selling them, then no new drives can be had.  However, if once one has

HP probably stopped making them when people now on this list were
in short pants.  How time flies.

> the carriers, one can swap drives in them, then future upgrades are
> easier.

They're just the usual SCSI drives (typically 80 pin) screwed into
the carriers with the usual screws.  I threw out a bunch of these
(or similar) Compaq carriers a couple years ago.  Swapping drives
is a screwdriver job.

> Does anyone make a universal hot-plug carrier or do the styles keep

No.  And they change all the time.  Dell is disgusting this way.
For their older (~1550) stuff, Dell carriers now cost about the same
as a used 16GB drive. 

   The president of the United States is the commander-in-chief of
   the armed forces.  He is not the commander-in-chief of the
   government, nor is he the commander-in-chief of the country.

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