On Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 05:49:58PM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Spreading misinformation? Look, I subscribe to an ISP with ADSL that provided 
> me with
> public dynamic IP address. I register it to a registrar that offers dynamic 
> hosting
> courtesy of www.no-ip.com and I am sending this email to you because of it. 
> And you tell
> me that I am preaching something not doable? Oh common....
No, you are relaying it through a mailing list that happens to accept
it. Getting mail through to the large webmail services, for example, is
quite difficult from residential ranges.

Claiming it is a good idea to run an outgoing MTA on a dynamic
residential address is silly. It may work for you, but it does have its
problems. People wishing to correspond with many companies whose IT
people you don't control probably don't want to do it.

Jussi Peltola

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