I run all my stuff at home. My old firewall (just replace it) was a pentium pro 200 with 128MB; my mailserver is a PIII 800 and runs www, postfix, dovecot, mysql and some other junk. Works just fine.
On Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 02:51:31AM -0800, Chris wrote: > I have a P3 box with 120GB HDD that's doing web, ssh and samba at the moment. > I > am planning setup sendmail, spamd, mimedefang, clamd and spam-assassin > on this box along with web, ssh and samba. > > I was wondering if anyone has any experience with running a mail server at > home. > I want to know if I should use only one box or buy another box? Also, > what sort of electricity bills > will I run into? And also if is there anything else I would need to know. > > Thanks for any help.