Lori Barfield wrote:
consumer IP space is really a problem for outgoing mail.
at the very least, all the majors will add spam points to
your messages and so your mail is a lot more likely to
be bulked. even resold IP space at large colos is treated
that way by default, and it causes heartburn for businesses.
just having reverse DNS isn't good enough, either, because
if it has a name that "looks" like dynamic IP space, that
can also get your mail treated with prejudice. it's best to
own your own reverse DNS so you can give it a realistic
you can try to work with the major ISPs to get your IP(s)
whitelisted, and try to convince folks to take them off their
no-no lists as well, but that can be very time consuming
and you'll have mixed results.
bottom line is, check out the reputation of your IP space
before buying it. you don't want the problem to start with.
Gewt an ISP that doesnt block it and youre fine, Ive been using
speakeasy for years, theyre pricey but they stay out of the way.