You can use Christoph Egger's OpenBSD/Xen port. No need to go
HVM-only. Unfortunately, my own website is down right now and I
haven't gotten around to fixing that, but the Wayback Machine has the
relevant page:

Also, search the misc archives. This question crops up fairly
regularly. and each time most people don't seem to know of Christoph
Egger's port (and each time I then try to tell people about it again
-- if I catch the message, but I don't always do and sometimes things
fall through the cracks here).

Thanks and regards,

On 07/02/2008, John Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OpenBSD as DomU works using hardware virtualization for me.  There's
> the occasional lockup that I haven't looked into too much.  You can
> launch vncviewer to get a console.  My working config is at the bottom.
> John
> On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 11:55:05PM +0100, Julien Cabillot wrote:
> > It's work but I had really bad performances with the network (timeout on
> > the interface re).
> > Dmesg:
> >
> I found that setting the vif interface to 'model=ne2k_pci' helps with
> the timeouts.
> >
> > On jeu, 2008-02-07 at 00:29 +0200, NetOne - Doichin Dokov wrote:
> > > I'm looking to replace a Linux domU with a BSD one, preferably OpenBSD.
> > > Anyone any success running stable OpenBSD (FreeBSD would also suffice)
> > > as domU in a Xen system? If so, willing to share config / how-to /
> > > experience?
> > >
> > > Kind regards,
> > > Doichin
> >
> Here's a working Xen config:
> =================================================================
> import os, re
> arch = os.uname()[4]
> if'64', arch):
>     arch_libdir = 'lib64'
> else:
>     arch_libdir = 'lib'
> kernel = "/usr/lib/xen/boot/hvmloader"
> builder='hvm'
> memory = 256
> name = "obsd"
> pae=0
> vif = [ 'type=ioemu, mac=00:16:3e:7d:be:ef, model=ne2k_pci' ]
> disk = [ 
> 'file:/disk/homer.disk,hda,w','file:/disk/obsd42_amd64.iso,ioemu:hdc:cdrom,r' 
> ]
> device_model = '/usr/' + arch_libdir + '/xen/bin/qemu-dm'
> boot='cd'
> sdl=0
> vnc=1
> vncviewer=0
> nographic=0
> stdvga=0
> serial='pty'
> ne2000=1
> audio=0
> localtime=1
> =================================================================


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