* Insan Praja SW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-02-04 11:48]:
> On Fri, 25 Jan 2008 16:28:42 +0700, Henning Brauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> * Insan Praja SW <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-01-24 18:43]:
>>> Hi Misc@,
>>> I'm currently setup bgp router using openbgp. Routes learned from 
>>> openbgpd
>>> are stored in routing table 1. So, I got this client from NET2, coming 
>>> from
>>> the same interface that my ibgp peer coming from, and I want to pass 
>>> client
>>> from NET2 going to regional exchange to QUAGGA router. I got no luck 
>>> with:
>>> "pass on $ext_if from $NET2 to any modulate state rtable 1", NET2 always
>>> use the default route via $ext_if when going to regional exchange
>>> I appreciate any input and suggestion regarding this.
>> assigning an rtable decision on the outbond interface is too late,
>> since the routang decision has already been taken then. yu have to do
>> it in the inbound direction. that is true for the reverse path too.
> Hi Misc@,
> finally figured out how to use bgpd rtable into pf, and pftable and I get 
> more curious. When I use route table 1, should all routes learned from 
> default route copied to rtable 1 or I had to build it on my own? and when I 
> did, I'm having problem with directly connected network, which I cannot 
> insert mac address as default gateway, while using default rtable I see 
> some of directly connected system/host had its default gateway in mac 
> address. Anyone had any experience with this?.

all arp happens in table 0 so far, no need to copy.

> I Also like to ask, maybe a stupid question, how to display route label 
> (from bgpd.conf) using "netstat" or "route show"?

route get shows the label if it is there

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