On Fri, 1 Feb 2008, Marco S Hyman wrote:

Chris writes:
> I am after a software that would allow me to view photos from my
> digital camera which I usually mount in /mnt/camera. I tried from the

Depends upon the camera.  If your camera looks like a USB mass storage
device then mount /dev/sdwhatever and use the display command from
ImageMagick to look at images.

xzgv is nice too.

If your camera looks like some special device then your stuck using one of
the programs that you listed to get the images out of the camera.

From the wording of OP I'd say he has set his camera to
act as USB mass drive instead of PTP mode. Which makes
me wonder, why not use the PTP and for example digikam,
then he wouldn't need to mount it separately.

Antti Harri

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