Johan Fredin wrote:
On 08-01-30 17:50, Kent Watsen wrote:
hme0 \
hme1 \ /- vlan0 --- carp0
--- trunk0 ----- vlan1 --- carp1
hme2 / \- valn2 --- carp2
hme3 /
I say this is the way to go. You can consider trunk0 a physical
interface (consisting of four underlaying interfaces). Since you
probably want to have different IP networks on the different vlans you
add carp on top of the vlans.
At first this seems foreign, but it does make sense that carp would be
layered on top of that which has ip addresses, the vlans, as neither the
physical nor the trunk interfaces have ip addresses - they are just "up"
I've set up boxes this way, but without the trunk.
And it was completely transparent to your switch? - you had both carped
boxes plugged into the same switch?