Quoting "L. V. Lammert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Fri, 25 Jan 2008, Frank Bax wrote:
Boris Goldberg wrote:
> Hello Daniel,
> I believe it should be possible to set up samba-over-ssh. I
mean samba
> listening localhost only on the server
and putty
> (www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/) with port
forwarding on
> clients.
> You can also use samba-over-ipsec. IPSec is not less secure
than ssh and
> gives you more flexibility.
Has anyone figured out how to save PuTTY tunnel settings (whether for
samba or anything else); so that they can be easily dropped onto
multiple systems without having to do manual setup on each one?
Have not tried tunnel settings, but I DO know that you can copy any
session configurations by exporting the registry keys.
I can confirm that the port forwarding settings are stored in the
registry. It is easy enough to write a quick script to add those
registry entries into the reg. of a new computer. Look in the PuTTY
FAQ, I think there is an example of how to do it in there.
Tim Donahue
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