Sunnz P=P0P?P8QP0:
Just wondering has anyone ever used 2 PPPoE(4) connections on one real
interface and rather if it should work or not?
I only have one account with my ISP but they gave me 2 logins and up 4
concurrent logins are allowed with their TOS.
My hardware ethernet gem(4) is connected to a modem, with the modem
running in bridge mode.
I were able to establish one pppoe(4) connection which I can nat
machines behind OBSD to the internet... and also ssh back to OBSD from
the internet.
Modem (Bridge) <-> OBSD <-> LAN
But it doesn't work quite the way I wanted but I made 2 pppoe(4)
connections, with hostname.pppoe0 and hostname.pppoe1 under /etc/.
I were able to nat machines behind OBSD with either pppoe0 OR pppoe1.
So are far as nat goes, it is fine.
But I were only able to ssh to pppoe1's IP address from the internet,
but not pppoe0's IP address.
I also attempted to traceroute the 2 IP from the internet, only
pppoe1's IP works.
It is very surprising as nat works... where the 'response' must make
its way back to pppoe0's Ip somehow...
You only have one defautl gateway, so the last pppoe session established
sets it up to it's interface. The behaviour you're observing is
absolutely normal. You should dig into pf's route-to, packet tagging and
state-keeping options if you need to ssh back to the machine on both
interfaces, or do whatever you want _from the machine itself_. There are
a lot of examples in the net (including one in the PF FAQ if i've not
mistaken) on what is the proper way of setting up several uplinks as you