On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 03:54:33PM +0100, Jan Stary wrote:
> On Jan 14 14:55:32, Martin Toft wrote:
> > cwm echoes the error message above and terminates if xbindkeys is
> > running. My solution at the moment is to not use xbindkeys...
> This is strange. I am running xbindkeys and it never bothered cwm (or
> any other WM). This is my ~/.xinitrc:

After a bit of poking around, I've discovered that the error only occurs
if I define one or more short cuts using xbindkeys that use the same
keys as the short cuts in cwm do. I guess this behaviour should be
expected, even though I was confused about cwm's error message.

I had this short cut for starting firefox in .xbindkeysrc:

  control + alt + q

After replacing q with b (b for browser ;-)), xbindkeys and cwm are
friends again.

Jan: You ask how I start xbindkeys -- if you still want to know, my
.xinitrc is attached inline in my original mail.


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