If you are using Apache on the home network you definitely want to check up your modem. I use DSL modem (in USA ) and port 80 is blocked by default. It is trivial though to log into your router (it has a web management) and adjust build in firewall and ports. Speaking of which they suck and I would pass all traffic through OpenBSD box no matter what you do behind. As a matter of fact all my machines (7 in total) except one (media box with Tunapie and Miro running FreeBSD) happily run OpenBSD.


bofh wrote:
There's the possibility that the isp blocks it.  I'm using fios - and
inbound 80 is blocked.

On 1/8/08, johan beisser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Jan 8, 2008, at 8:05 AM, Sewan wrote:


I have an apache-php website running on windows server 2003 port 80,
i have
correct rdr rules that pointing my web server, i can view website
inside my
LAN, but i can't view page outside of my network. I've checked all
dns- ip
settings, everything's fine but problem continues. I've read at some
that apache doesn't recognize rdr rules from openbsd, so how can i
my site ? Thanks...

You could give us more information. Perhaps a copy of your pf.conf.

I'd also, if I were you, look at your pflog output. either "live" on
pflog0, or through the logs in /var/log.

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