On Sun, 06 Jan 2008 05:46:37 -0500, "Richard Stallman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     "You shouldn't use them, because of the software, but also, because
>     your cell phone is a tracking device, even when it is turned off,"
>     Stallman said. Interestingly, in the minutes before the talk began,
>     Stallman padded up one aisle in his stocking feet talking into what
>     looked like a mobile telephone.
> I don't carry a mobile phone, but I don't see anything wrong in
> borrowing one from someone to make a call.  In the same sense, I would
> consider it wrong for me to have a machine with Windows on it, or to
> use one regularly, but I see nothing wrong in using someone else's
> Windows machine for a few minutes.
> I don't think the words quoted are my exact words.  Reporters
> often change quotations.

Blah blah blah. All this does is demonstrate what a moron you are.

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