On Mon, 7 Jan 2008, Pau Amaro-Seoane wrote:

>loosen up a bit, you're too tight up... I just want to check my
>emails, I don't want to download p0nr movies

Theft of service is theft, regardless of how much or little service
you're stealing.  If someone's gone to the trouble of filtering on MAC
addresses, they've clearly indicated that they're not a public service
-- and no amount of weasel-wording will get around that.


>2008/1/7, Josh Grosse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> On Mon, 7 Jan 2008 13:39:01 +0100, Targus Neoprene wrote
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > in my flat I can "see" a lot of "open" connection points. They do not
>> > require a password and, in principle, I can log in every time... but
>> > they seem to be protected with a mac filter, because I cannot get an
>> > IP address via dhclient
>> >
>> > I have a naive question: Is there any way to avoid that? I mean: is
>> > there a way to surpass the mac filter and get an ip?
>> Do I understand this correctly?  You are asking how to *defeat* someone 
>> else's
>> SOHO NAT router, using its MAC filter as their only security?
>> If so, I'm appalled by your lack of ethics.

Dave Anderson

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