No, Richard. No. This is really getting tired.

> Their report was that OpenBSD contains ports for non-free programs,
> and that is what I tried to say in the interview.

No, you didnt't.

> I made a mistake in the way I said it: I used words which were subject
> to misunderstanding.

No, you used words which were lies.

> I have acknowledged this mistake here, and had
> it corrected, and said so here.

No you didn't, people only called you on your bullshit.

>     > In OpenBSD the recommendation for certain non-free programs
>     > is in the recipes for installing them.

Jesus Christ already ...

> I could ask someone to find a specific URL, but why take the trouble?
> The OpenBSD developers have acknowledged that contains ports for
> non-free programs.  There is no dispute about that question.

Yes. So WHAT?

>     In gNewsense the recommendation for certain non-free programs is in
>     the _inclusion_ of such non-free parts in their distribution
> You have not presented any evidence that there are non-free programs
> in gNewSense.

Listen, you lying, hypocrytic asshole: OpenBSD does contain ports that
let you install non-free software. That does not make OpenBSD non-free
in any sensible sense of the word. In your eyes, it does, right? And
that's why you don't "recommend" OpenBSD (which nobody gives a flying
fuck about). Yet you do recommend gNewsense and whatnot, which too
contains ports to install non-free software; because in _this_ case, it
doesn't make the system non-free. Right? That makes your whole criteria
irrelevant, because they are self-contracictory. PERIOD.

I don't believe that you are so stupid to not understand that.

Pretty fucking please, realize the following:

0. Nobody in the OpenBSD project gives a fuck about whether you
   "recommend" OpenBSD (whatever that word means to you today),
   because it doesn't make any difference. Heck, it doesn't change
   anything if you DO recommend OpenBSD.

1. OTOH, the OpenBSD people do care a lot whether you spread lies
   about OpenBSD in interviews.

2. Nobody on this list is gonna buy your double standard of meassuring
   the "freeness" of a given system. Your posts to this list lack any
   point since long ago.

3. Not even reading the few pages of a given system's policies
   and then repeating your lying propaganda on the very system's mailing
   list is total lack of respect to people who make that system (which
   is not me, btw).

4. Not even launching a browser when people ask you to just read a damn
   webpage (please do not elaborate, nobody cares why) makes you look like
   a fucking moron.

5. There are people who need to actually read this mailing list, and you
   drown it in bullshit.
Please read the above point over and over until you finally understand
that there is not point whatsoever sending any more posts to this list.
After you get it, please do the following:

(a) Send your last message, with a subject of "RMS - apology" (so that
    I can filter out any other message from you), saying, "I was
    a fucking moron. Plese forgive me, I will shut up now and not bother
    this list again".

(b) Read all the documentation you can find on
    (if it's impossible for you to use a browser, have the whole thing
    printed out and read it on paper).

(c) Please kindly consider shutting the fuck up already
    and never comming back.

        sincerely yours


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