> As I've said, I think it's acceptable for free applications to run on

> non-free platforms (and say that they do), because this doesn't

> recommend the installation of those non-free platforms.  But free

> systems should not recommend, suggest, or offer to install non-free

> apps.

What is an operating system? An OS could be considered an "application", Thus 
it's very "convent" that you can "recommend" free software on non-free 
operating systems, but then attack free operating systems that only offer an 
optional "scaffold" for using non-free software.

Richard, You're a hypocrite.. and your values are flawed..  I think you need to 
re-evaluate your position, and for goodness sake.. use a web browser so you can 
actually backup your claims. (With research..)

Please, Go back to HURD land.. stop biting the hand that feeds the community, 
by writing drivers.. obtaining vendor docs.. and protesting binary blobs - And 
stop making uneducated accusations and assessments based on what some "friend's 
friend's brothers mother" told you in passing.

-Nix Fan.

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