Hello Nick,
That may be what you do, but you are generally wrong if that is your
The goal is that the BEST version of OpenBSD is -current.
This goal is usually met.
At home, I use -current version for 6 months.
However, I'm in my society, and I must set up 10 development machines,
and I would like to install OpenBSD on these machines.
You recommend me to install OpenBSD -current on these machines?
My actual boss want a **secure** system, and he believed that a Debian
Linux is better than a OpenBSD. I believe it's not true. I use and I
love OpenBSD.
Again, the most robust, best supported, most secure version of OpenBSD
is -current.
What's the interest of -stable if -current is better?
and in a few days, it will probably be Don't fool yourself
into thinking that running the newest version means you are "secure". In
that case in particular, it just means you are running a version where
they reacted to a few more bugs. "Better than IE" is the Mozilla goal,
not "good". If you are doing things that expose yourself to Firefox
vulnerabilities, you probably aren't going to save yourself by running
the "lease insecure" version on a secure OS.
I don't think that firefox is very secured. I think that is better secured than :-)
Let's say you plan on implementing a new machine today. Install
Really. In May, upgrade to the 4.3, and sit there for six months. In
November, upgrade to 4.4. IF you are using some third party apps
which have
"issues" mid-cycle, bump to a snapshot, and update the packages. If a
bug is found that impacts you, bump to -stable. The -release/-stable
are "resting points" in the upgrade cycle.
But that new app should be set up and tested out on -current, not
Try to use the base OpenBSD system for as much of the system as you can.
The fewer packages you have installed, the fewer special cases you
will have
to deal with. The fewer cutesie-crap apps you put in your servers,
the less
often you will have to take down your servers because of cutesie-crap
I want a plan of updating machines.
2 solutions:
* install -current OpenBSD and follow -current
* install -stable every 6 months and follow -stable
I want too "secured" ports. So, I must install -current and follow -current?
If today I install -current, and 01 may I upgrade to 4.3-stable, I'll
have "non upgraded packages/ports" until 01 november 2008.
So, I install -current?