What in the world???

Do you drive a car?  if the answer is yes you have an unconnected
embedded device.  Need more examples?

On Fri, Dec 28, 2007 at 08:34:24AM -0800, Unix Fan wrote:
> This is a neat idea, but personally I think it'll be hard to make the device 
> "0 maintenance", problems can always occur...
> If you're set on using OpenBSD in this project, remove everything from the 
> base system that isn't needed... and try running the unit non-stop for 
> 48/hours... just to be sure it's not going to die days after you leave the 
> country.
> If this all seems horribly complex, use one of Doug's suggestions.
> (Consider a modem, or a net card... so remote maintenance is possible..)

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