Wow one comprehensive list of the suckage that is C++. Thanks Miod now I dont need to type examples anymore.
On Fri, Dec 28, 2007 at 07:19:11AM +0000, Miod Vallat wrote: > > >Is he right? > > > > If you just search the archive, even not to long ago, 'few days' you > > will see pretty much the same feeling about C++ on the OpenBSD list as > > well as pretty much any lists that cares about correct code and clarity > > in programing. > > > > But don't take my words for it, just look and it will not take you long > > to find it. > > > > That's really what you should do first. It even start to look like an > > FAQ topic these days. > > > > If you look into the tree, you will not see much of C++, that alone > > should be a big clue. > > > > Hopefully this tread will die soon as I fell everything was said on it > > already > > Ah, but no C++ bashing thread can be complete until someone mentions the > excellent FQA site: > > Miod