
I'm looking for hardware to install an openbsd based dsl-router.
I already searched the list archives and looked at WRAP and Soekris,
but it seems that they do not match my requirements:

- fanless
- as small as possible
- at least 2, better 3 ethernet ports
- a wlan-card (as access point in hostap mode)
- mainboard and other hardware should work with openbsd of course,
  would be nice to see output from hw.sensors*
- storage should have at least 10GB, I think this leads to a real
  ide/sata-disk (maybe 2.5")
- vga-output (because I have no other machine with a serial port to do
  the installation)
- lcd-display (something that is supported by lcdproc, which seems to
  work fine on openbsd)

Not a requirement, but nice-to-have: usb-2.0 port(s).

Does anyone know a company or vendor which builds such an
(openbsd-)ready system fulfilling the above requirements?

Or did I need to start buying all pieces (maybe mini-itx based?) and
assembly them on my own?

Any hints?



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