On December 22, 2007 05:47:56 am Jeff Santos wrote:
> Hi,
> I posted a question earlier, but I guess I was not clear.
> I have a firewall running OpenBSD 4.2 and SPAMD to block spams.
> I would like to know how many legitimate email messages SPAMD
> is letting in. The default spamd setup that comes in pf.conf is
> no rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from <spamd-white> to any port smtp
> rdr pass on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port smtp \
>        -> port spamd
> So I thought of using 'pfctl -vsn'. In the output of this command,
> one of the values is the accumulated number of evaluations of
> each rule. So my question is can I assume the number of
> evaluations of the rule
> 'no rdr pass on $ext_if proto tcp from <spamd-white> ...'
> is also a good measure for the number of SMTP connections that
> were forwarded to the MTA(s)?
> If not, is there another way to extract this number without
> querying the MTA?
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Jeff
> --
> Want an e-mail address like mine?
> Get a free e-mail account today at www.mail.com!

What about a grep -c "stat=Sent (OK)"  /var/log/maillog if you are using 
sendmail as the MTA? 

Vijay Sankar, M.Eng., P.Eng.
President & CEO
ForeTell Technologies Limited
59 Flamingo Avenue, Winnipeg, MB Canada R3J 0X6
Phone: +1 204 885 9535, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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