On Tue, 18 Dec 2007 15:33:10 -0800
Ben Calvert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Dec 18, 2007, at 12:20 PM, PrzemysEaw PaweEczyk wrote:
> >
> > All you need to do is to run configure --prefix=/usr/local/ooRexx
> > and then at one moment you'll be greeted with messages of some sort
> > saying why it won't go further with compilation.
> compiles fine here( other than warnings about no newlines at the ends
> of the files, strcpy, and etc. ).
> you are using gnu make?

I'm using OpenBSD 4.2 i386 with all the goodies attached to it on ZX/BX
MoBo with Pentium III Katmai (450 MHz). If the op-sys containes gnu make
then it is gnu make.

> and, of course, you're using the same platform and version of openbsd
> that i am, right?

I don't think so: X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.915) :)

> > You do not need to
> > create pkgsrc or a package.
> pkgsrc is from netbsd, btw.  while they reportedly have ported it to
> openbsd, this is not something maintained by the openbsd community.

Well, an awkwardness from my side, I used to use NeBSD. :)

> > I went to OpenBSD pkgsrc site to submit the app but there is no such
> > page (I could not find it).
> see above.  this is like looking for rpms for debian.

OK, but you knew what I meant.

> > I'd appreciate any help.
> I'm sure that there are plenty of people on this list who are more
> qualified than I am to help you with this... if you ask nicely or
> offer proper remuneration.

Was it a joke?
Nicely (read kneeling?) or proper ... (up from 10 bucks or 10

Have a nice day,

PrzemysEaw PaweEczyk (P2O2) - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
WWW: http://pp.kv.net.pl/ Forum: http://www.p2o2.fora.pl/

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