
   They (Boinc) have a source code of the client if you want to make
your own Unix client but...for some reason it does not compile. Before
do a simple configure, it is necessary to run an _autosetup program that
insist to not recognize the tools that are in the system. I am not a
developer and, honestly, i was stuck yesterday on that part. Like i
said, maybe the bad news confuse my head a lot....
Thanks for your response, i appreciate it.

Best Regards,


Pierre Riteau wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2007 8:17 AM, Tasmanian Devil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello!
>>>   I just want to know if somebody has running any Boinc client on
>>> OpenBSD.
> But that's only the client, then each project provides binaries, and
> often no binaries for OpenBSD.
>>From a quick google search, I find only Seti and SIMAP providing
> OpenBSD binaries.
> You can probably use Linux emulation to get it running. But maybe you
> will have to make it believe it is a Linux system to get it to
> download the Linux binaries.

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