This is what I've learned - and how my perspective has changed - In
following this thread, over the last two days:

 - Stallman cares more about appearances and outward responses than actions
 - Stallman is a hypocrite, circles himself within his words, and
attempts to confuse others in the process.
 - Words seem to mean more to Stallman than actions.
 - Stallman is incapable of admitting any wrong doing. What an ego.
 - Stallman has yet to actually use OpenBSD, least I have yet to see
evidence otherwise
 - Not only has Theo been awarded the open-whatever award from the
FSF, which Stallman seems to play a great role in leading, Theo was
also a finalist *two* other years, yet OpenBSD seems to be a problem
for Stallman..
 - Stallman likes to lose people in speech.
 - Stallman's arguments make no sense.
 - Stallman's greatest actions are that of requests. At best, he will
ask developers to make the changes which he sees necessary.
 - Stallman will overlook facts to further prove a failing point.
 - Theft of BSD code (or any other code for that matter.. and theft in
the sense that something has been taken, expanded upon "for the
greater good of the community," and later cannot be returned to its
original owner), means nothing to Stallman when for the "greater GPL
 - Stallman cares little about "empowering" people through code and
software, caring more about folks following in his ways.. even when
this concerns or involves intellectual theft.
 - Stallman sees the *use* of a given application or pieces of code as
a mechanism that *supports* said application, BUT his use of linux
(despite being "free" of "non-free" software/code), is seen as not
supporting the greater use of "Linus'" linux itself, which he agrees
is "non-free"
 - Stallman hasn't looked at (or thought about) his own gcc code in a
*long* time

Mr. Stallman, while it may mean little to you, it's pretty clear  you
have made a fool out of yourself on this list. I personally, have lost
what respect I had for you.

You make no sense.


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